Restraining Orders & Relationships?

Now I know you wondering what in the world I am talking about, but yeah you read correctly. Let’s discuss the new trend today……relationships that end in restraining orders.

Don’t get me wrong I know most of you have experienced this situation at some point in your life and your reasoning for filing was valid, but let me tell you lately I’ve worked with several clients who have had accusations against them which have been false.

Somehow our society has become one who utilizes the legal system to moderate their relationships. Yet most people do not realize the court systems frown upon citizens exploiting it for frivolous claims. Webster defines frivolous as not having purpose or value.

A restraining order is defined as a document or process that one engages when someone feels threatened or harassed. However, this process is used to cover one’s tracks and there has been influx of unmerited Restraining Order reported.

So….as the GREAT lawyer I am, let me present to you relationship advice from a legal point of view.

1.       1. Even if you believe you are in love with someone, be cautious if verbal and physical communication is used suggesting that they desire not to be intimate with you. Of course, people joke around but if words are spoken more than once, take the hint and keep it moving.

2.       2. Maintain documentation on your relationship. At times people will string you along and not reveal their true colors until you are in a relationship. These people will try to manipulate the situation and become the victim when they are causing the damage. However, documentation of the relationship via text, pictures, social media etc.…. provides evidence that you are not the aggressor or psycho if another party happens to file a restraining order against you.

3.      3. Do not repeat the cycle. If a restraining order is filed, please I repeat please do not get back into a relationship with them once the case is resolved. This error in judgement is often made when people have the mindset that “they didn’t mean it; they made a mistake, or they accidently filed a restraining order in the heat of the moment.” Filing a restraining order is serious. No one can mistakenly request this process.

I know this is not my usual upbeat, light-hearted, and encouraging post, but trust the information I just shared may save your life. Understand I am sharing this knowledge because these types of cases are crossing my desk daily.

Be safe, alert, and smart. When someone shows you who they are believe them the first time. Also remember there is someone out there for everyone, find them or let them find you.


Always protect yourself! Contracts are an artist best friend. And a great lawyer creating and reformatting the contract is an even better friend.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.


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