
Showing posts from August, 2021

How to handle your divorce?

Going through a divorce is never an easy process to initiate. I’ve been through one. You make a vow to stick with someone for the rest of your life. And then all of sudden, you find yourself arguing everyday and totally loathing the presence of the person.  So I’m writing this blog post to hopefully help others who are thinking about going through this process; or those who have started the process already.   I handle a few divorce cases and I’ve learned prearranged agreement is always better. I think too many times spouses are wanting to get the most out of a divorce. But, in the process they drain their personal finances. People see a lot of high-net-worth individuals on social media and television getting divorces. You see the ridiculous amounts of money for child support and alimony.  However, in everyday life, people don’t have access to millions of dollars and multibillion dollar companies.  With that being said, my encouragement a lawyer is to make sure you to work out an agreem

Who cares about your business?

No one is going to care about your business like you. And it’s okay.  You hear from these ‘talking heads’ on television and social media that your employees need to be just as passionate about your business as you are. I get the logic behind wanting your employees to be excited about what you are paying them to do. But, for me having someone gung ho fore a business that they didn’t put money into and sweat equity to start is huge misguided request from the owner. Employees are people. They have dreams and passions too (outside of the business). I believe the more you encourage them to follow their dreams, the better your business will do.  Think about it. When you are working for someone and they let you off early to handle personal business; didn’t you feel a high level of internal gratitude towards them? Absolutely. You automatically said that there is no other company that will allow you to do that.  This is even more so important during this Covid-19 pandemic. People are needing to

Purposeful Living

What’s purpose? And how does one find it?  Purpose to me is the motivation that gets you up in the morning and starts you on your way. It something internal (with or without an alarm clock). Some people call this your ‘why.’ Early on in my life, I struggled with my purpose. I was always naturally happy and positive. However, I did not get up early in the morning and I was not passionate about what I was doing.  So, I asked myself the basic question ‘what is purpose?’ And I found the answer by observing and hanging with other people who seemed to be highly motivated and successful. Now, when I’m talking about success, I’m talking all-around. My meaning of successful was a person who had it together in regard to their family, church, health, finances, etc.  What I found is that people with purpose had their life ‘tight.’ Meaning, they might have not been married to a super model, but the relationship they had with their spouse was AMAZING. There was respect, love and affection within the