
Showing posts from September, 2020

Why are Bars Popular?

So, I know that this is a precocious post! But I think it's something that warrants a blog post and general discussion. So why are bars popular? The answer is simple. At bars you can meet people, a future spouse, relax, and host of other things. So, what’s the purpose of me writing this blog? It’s simple, what else are people doing now that they can’t go out to bars, beaches, etc.? So where are people socializing? The Internet! What can you do to expand your social circle while using the Internet? One, you can gain followers and friends on social media. Hence why it's called social media. I think oftentimes people take social media too seriously. In which it is understandable. I think the key to all of this is to make sure to find engaging post and don't be scared to reach out to others on social media. It is easy to follow a specific hashtag, make a comment, direct message people, and make sure you take that relationship or the initial contact very seriously. Socia

How to Stop Suffering?

I'm hitting you with another crazy blog post! How to stop suffering? The answer is simple: Either start doing something or stop doing something specific. You're suffering because you're either going through something that you can or can't control. So what is suffering? Suffering is something doesn't feel good. It brings emotionally ups and downs. But, there are two types of sufferings: one, is a good and the other is bad. Just like everything in life. So the question to yourself is what should you do to stop the suffering? If you are suffering from something good, you need to do with David Goggins says develop a callus in your mind to continue to move forward. If you are suffering something bad, then you either need to start or stop doing something. You often hear the parable of the howling dog . Someone asked why is the dog howling? The farmer says because she is sitting on a nail but doesn’t want to move. If you're experiencing this right now, find mo

Constitutional Rights 101

The purpose of this post is to open a discussion about the importance of Constitutional Rights! And how to appreciate them. Constitutional Rights were established years ago for Americans to have Civil Liberties. It sounds convoluted, but it is something that is important. If you don’t believe me, try to obtain a pistol permit, register to vote, attend public schools, etc. All these simple necessities of life are part of our constitution. So why are constitutional rights seemed to be attacked at some much, especially during election. The answer is simple:   There is not enough people who appreciate them and/or understand them. Even though, human rights have not been equal for everyone for 100 of years in America , the purpose of the constitution was to establish some time of normalcy and standards. Without this sounding like a history lesson, America was form breaking away from Great Britain . And the main reason for this was because of the many immigrants being unfairly treated

Doing Business Internationally?

 What do you need to know when conducting business international ? If you are in business, you are doing some type of international business. It is difficult these days to conduct business without having some type of international touch points. If you are in the product business, some part of your product is from out of the country. If you are providing a service, you are using some type of technology and/or service that has an international base. So now that you know that you are doing business internationally, even if it is remotely, what can you do when interacting with clients over the water? Time:   Due to different time zones, it is important to understand that others are either hours earlier than you; or hours late than you. And you must be prepared to engage customers, clients, and/or business partners on their time. Just because it is late for you and they know there is a time differences, does not mean that they want you to be in pajamas on a 10:00 p.m. Zoom call. Cul

Are you fact checking social media?

For some, I know this is a no-brainer question, but there is a large group of people who take social media at its word. Yes, I know I’m speaking of social media as a person. But this is something that I notice as a difference between generations. One generation takes social media post at face value, where another does more factchecking . I don’t know if one is better than the other, but it definitely makes me wonder if there is a significant difference. So, one school of thought is that there is more information to be processed that does not need to be filtered through the traditional methods of News Television Stations, Newspaper, Magazines, etc. For example, the viral video of police officers’ conduct when arresting Black males. If the videos have to travel through the traditional channels, those videos may have not been released. On the other hand, without some type of ‘checks and balance’ of the length and aspect of the video, the context of the video can be lost because the

How to find a good lawyer?

How many times have you asked someone for a good lawyer? How many times has someone asked you for a good lawyer? The thing is, how do you determine a good lawyer? Do you focus on cost? Experience? Relationship? That’s nether here or there but finding a lawyer without recommendation can be stressful. However, the process is simple, especially in today’s world. You can find a great lawyer all on your own. It just takes some work. Google :   Many people underestimate the power of google. When researching a lawyer, look at their reviews, legal verdicts , etc. Most of this information is online. And Google is a great search engine platform that can cross reference a lot of information about a lawyer. Word of mouth :   As mentioned earlier, ask around. But ask those who you know will give you an unbiased opinion of their experience. Sometimes, people have a bad experience with lawyers because of the terrible facts of their case. So, don’t shy away from a lawyer because of someone’s tho

Accepting flawsome in Business?

What is flawsome? FLAWSOME : (adj.) A person who embraces all their quirks and 'flaws' and realises they are awesome regardless. Yeah, this is something that is new to me too, but here we are. One of the reasons I wanted to discuss this notion of flawsome is because this is where a large part of the world is moving to. Instead of being stuffed shirts in boardroom, there are people who wanting to be just them. And in business, it’s important to embrace this. Embracing people difference is important because in a world where everyone is the same can lead to intentional overlooking of issues within the company. However, when you have a grow of people who embrace their differences, a company can operate within true potential. Instead of puffed up people who are constantly battling for others’ jobs or parking lot. Allowing people to be them, obviously within a guidance of corporate decorum, we see our strengths and weaknesses as an organization. And therefore can move forwa

What is success?

Success is whatever you make it. For me, success is about setting a goal and achieving it. Yes, I know it sounds simple, but you’ll be surprised that many people are living horrible lives because they feel like they aren’t successful. But, yet they haven’t either set a goal or put things in place to achieve them. But how can you be successful without having any goals and plans to get there. If you fail to plan, you plan to fail. This is simple and straightforward. So, when developing your success goal, you have to understand your strengths and weaknesses. Because when you are setting you goals, you don’t want to set them so high that you’ll never achieve them. Or set them so low, that you are (1) not motivated to achieve them; and (2) they provide no heavy effort of change on your part. Success is something that you might not be able to determine or measure, but we all know it when we see it. Whether it is the big homes, spending time with your family or vacationing in exotic pla

How to determine if you have a viable case?

 As you know there are several different types of cases out there. Whether that’s personal injury, business, contracts, etc. So one of the most important steps is to determine what type of case you have. Some cases might include several different types of laws. If you don’t know, I would consult an attorney. The more frequent question I get asked is there a way to determine if someone has a viable case or not? Meaning, how do you know if you case is worth pursuing? The answer to that question is simple YES! The first thing I will tell anyone is to consult a lawyer. Please visit my post on hiring a good lawyer . Many underestimate talking to a great lawyer. Consulting a lawyer is typically free. Also, due to the complexities of a singular case, it might be harder to determine the value without someone with experience. So here are my tips on determining if you have a viable case: 1.        What are your damages? Where you injured physically? Financially? Etc. Determining your dam

Remember your success

How many times have you beat yourself up because you aren’t where you want to be in life? How many times have you tried something, and it didn’t work? How many times have you tried something, and it was a tremendous success and you just stop doing it? All of these questions are ones we all can regrettably understand because we’ve all been there. I know that’s a lot that I just threw at you, but these are some serious questions. For me, I have always been successful in some degree, meaning most of the time I achieved goals that I set for myself. And that’s not a pat on the back for me, it is me laying the foundation for my failure. Because even though I had a lot of success, I still find myself dealing with issues that I’ve previously handled in my previous years. And it’s only because I fail to remember my previous success in business ventures, relationships, and others that I beat up on myself for not being further than where I am right now. Often times, we do one of three things

What keeps you motivated?

The answer to that question for many are family and/or money. For me, it’s love and purpose. I know this sounds philosophical, but I’m very intrinsically motivated. Don’t get me wrong, family and money are important. And a large part of what I do is for those two reasons. But, if I had to be honest with myself, the man reason for me accomplishing most of my goals is because I care about people. When I interact with people, I have a tendency to put myself in their shoes. I ask questions why did you make this decision? How do you feel about your current situation? I mean the list of questions go on and on. No one told me to think this way. It is something that I inherently and innately do without any primer. I’ve always been a genuinely good guy. Never wanted to take from anyone or hurt anyone. With that being said, what motivates me may not do it for you. However, it is important to be motivated. One of the things I don’t like about some people is their personality of not being

What to do if you have been in an accident?

I get this question a lot. So, in my experience, there is no wrong or right way to respond after an accident. An accident is just that:   ACCIDENT. This is not an opportunity to try to get over on an insurance company or make up a pain. The purpose of an insurance claim is to ensure that the plaintiff (the not the at-fault party) to be made whole. This simply means that you receive medical treatment for you to become a functional person of society and that any property damage is repaired (or if it is totaled out, the insurance company will issue a check for the fair market value of the vehicle). First and foremost, contact lawyer, even at the scene of the accident. Most accident lawyer provide free consultation. Please do not feel pressured to have a law firm represent you. 1.       If you are hurt, call the ambulance. Often, I get calls about property damage. In an auto accident you have two claims:   Bodily Injury and Property Damage. Furthermore, injuries can occur minutes after

How to move your company to the next level

No matter if you are a business owner, entrepreneur with a one-man shop, executive of a Fortune 500 company , or president of said Fortune 500 company, we all are looking to move to the next level. If you aren’t growing, you are dying. I know this may seem harsh, but it is a fact of life. There are so many organizations that have failed or ceased to exist because there was no growth. I’m specifically talking about having a strategic plan on the next few months, years, and decades of the life the company. I found that many organizations succeed when they have a strategic plan, a succession plan, a good research and development department, and connected with customer service. A strategic plan is simply an idea of where the company can be in the future based on current and potential assets. Succession planning is the less talked about aspect of many companies. Most of the time, it is about the current leader and not understanding that there is a future beyond the current leade