Why are Bars Popular?

So, I know that this is a precocious post! But I think it's something that warrants a blog post and general discussion. So why are bars popular? The answer is simple. At bars you can meet people, a future spouse, relax, and host of other things.

So, what’s the purpose of me writing this blog?

It’s simple, what else are people doing now that they can’t go out to bars, beaches, etc.? So where are people socializing? The Internet!

What can you do to expand your social circle while using the Internet?

One, you can gain followers and friends on social media. Hence why it's called social media. I think oftentimes people take social media too seriously. In which it is understandable. I think the key to all of this is to make sure to find engaging post and don't be scared to reach out to others on social media. It is easy to follow a specific hashtag, make a comment, direct message people, and make sure you take that relationship or the initial contact very seriously. Social media is one of the new ways to meet new people.

More so, on the Internet and social media, you can make sure that people are seriously aligned with what you're trying to do. If you're into fitness, make sure you follow people who are talking about fitness.

If you are into business and finance, make sure to talk to people about business and finance on social media. So, there's so many different ways that you can move in regard to social media and expanding your social circle.

If a person doesn't respond, you know where they stand. Don't be scared of people who don't embrace what you try to do.


If you can't go to a bar, go to social media! Find ways to socialize, follow and engage people who are interested in the things you are interested in. Whether it's your work, your hobby interest, or whatever.

You might want to take it a step further. Comment on others’ post and direct message them. You might find some lifelong relationships with people.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.

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SnapChat:  https://www.snapchat.com/add/getricephdjd

Website:  www.RonnieORice.com




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