
Showing posts from October, 2021

Knowing your Value

For some reasons, a lot of people think very highly of themselves. I’m not saying there is anything wrong with a little of self-confidence. However, when in any relationship, you want to understand your role and the ‘value’ you bring to the table. I mean think about it. How many times you have interviewed someone, and they want an ungodly amount of money with no education, experience, or new ideas? Understanding your worth in any relationship will increase your value and the areas you need to improve, regardless of type. In earlier times, everyone had a role in society. As you can tell, that didn’t work out so well. And I think it is partly due to people resting on their laurels and not trying to improve themselves. This post is about knowing you value, but more importantly adding to your value. As mentioned above, in earlier times, people were birth in specific situations. And without any type of self-improvement, then the people will perish. Also, it is important to realize