
Showing posts from 2022

Is having a trust/will for the wealthy?

 HECK NO! Having a trust and a last will and testament is for everyone. 3 reasons why it is for everyone below: 1.          If you have any property and/or money in an account, without having either instrument can prolong your estate. 2.        Having these instruments aren’t about the amount. 3.        The general purpose of these instruments is to leave those who rely on the decease some type of security. We all may know of Takeout, the rapper. Essentially, he died without having a will and last will and testament. And due to the lack of this instrument, his parents are fighting over the estate. So not having these documents in place may cost your estate a lot of money. So how do you setup last will and testament? 1.        Do an inventory of all property, funds, personal objects, etc. 2.        Record who you want to get what in document form 3.        Put this document in a safe place where someone(s) can find it in event of your death *I recommend seeking a

Is success luck or strategic persistence?

 The answer is obviously, BOTH. Do you want to lean on one and not the other? Nope. So, my recommendation is to strategically persist in your goal attainment and letting luck have its way. If you look at some of the great businessmen and women; you’ll realize that being both persistent and strategic played a role in success. So how do you do both? I think we all know how to be lucky:   Just throw the dice. You can’t be lucky without playing the game. When you walk into Vegas, you must buy chips then play roulette. Its’ not until this moment you have a chance to be lucky or, in a lot of cases, unlucky. On to the second part of strategically persistent. First you have to set a goal. This goal has to be obtainable and straightforward. I normally wouldn’t say obtainable because it suggest that it is too easy. However, in this regard, we are focus on a person being persistent rather than obtaining some lofty goal. Next, set accountable measures to get your goals. In other wo

Why are bars so popular?

  Have you ever visited to a city and see a stream of bars in a row? Or have you been in a rural area and only notice patrons at the local bar? I think the reason why bars are so popular is because they offer comfort, its disarming, and of course you can live in a fantasy. So, let’s discuss this further. Is a bar comforting? Absolutely, YES. No matter if it is a high-end hotel bar; or a ‘hole in wall.’ A bar is typically a place where you can ‘let your hair down.’ How is a bar disarming? Typically, a person who is visiting a bar is trying to relax. So, you have a group of people who are less likely to engage in any stressful situation. Okay, how can one live in a fantasy in a bar? Think about it. A bar offers beverages that intoxicates you. And in a state of intoxication, you may think you are prettier, smooth talker, or incredible hulk. So, what does this have to do with motivation? Simple:   Treat your customer as they are coming into your bar. If they feel comfortable do