
Showing posts from August, 2020

What is success?

Success is the accomplishment of a goal(s) that you’ve set before you. And success is what you make it.  Now, there are mini goals in between those major goals. Success is addictive too. Once you succeed in one avenue, you have a tendency to want to set more goals and achieve those too. For example, for a long period of time, I thought school wasn’t for me. But it was more about that no one sat me down to teach me how to be successful in school. So, I broke down every aspect of school into mini goals. And fast forward to year 2020, let’s just say, I’ve figured it out. Also, people will become frustrated that they aren’t successful (by their own measurement) because they haven’t achieved a goal. If you aren’t setting achievable goals and actively striving for those goals; you will continue to be frustrated. Don’t get me wrong, some of those frustration are due because of unforeseen obstacles. But, if you want something bad enough, make sure to strive at it whatever cost to obtai

Why protect your business, LEGALLY

I always hear people say they want to protect their business idea. But rarely do you hear them wanting to protect themselves and their businesses. These thoughts are totally different. Protecting yourself is about personal liability to lawsuits. While the other is about ensuring employees and other companies do not have a claim against the company because of the actions of the company’s agents. Now, a lot of people don’ have the time or money to create businesses, file taxes, file trademarks, etc. However, I encourage anyone who is wanting to start a business or is ‘pseudo’ operating a business to consult with a lawyer. This is not a shameless plug to call or text me. It’s more about opening your eyes to the possibilities of the growth of your business. When consulting with a lawyer, she should be able to tell you the legal ramifications to not filing proper paperwork, potential tax liability, and potential exposure to lawsuits. I know a lot of people who try to fast track to busi

How to develop rock solid habits in your life

So, habits are something that I constantly preach on because they are so important. Having great habits can propel you into the next level of your life. Also, habits are one of the things I’m constantly evolving with myself. Habits is basically your behavior daily. These habits can be changed at any time. You make the decision. So I have several suggestions on how to develop rock solid habits in your life:   (1) be in line with your passion ; (2) have a strong purpose for wanting to engage in a specific behavior; and (3) reward yourself. Yes, this sound simple, but how many do you know try to start working out at the beginning of the year, but by February have broken that promise? Right! What I’ve found out with habits is that most of the time, people are trying to develop habits that are entirely out of their wheelhouse. Meaning, a person might want to be a triathlete without any training on basic running skills. I’m not saying you can’t be a triathlete. I’m simply saying that

Let People Be Them… That’s where group success lives

How many of you get frustrated with people who seem to have bad habits, others don’t like, and when you see them you walk into another room? Yes, I’ve been that person before; on both ends. It’s not cool to be the subject of others’ conversation, in a bad way. But what I’ve learned is that you have to be yourself and let others do the same. When I say be yourself, this is not a ‘pass’ to talk to others in a derogatory manner or belittle others on their professional decision. When I say ‘let others be them’ I simply mean, pull out the best in the them. Let them know when they have messed up, but also encourage them when they are doing right. As I’ve worked with several large and small companies, it amazes me that amount of time that is wasted by having the wrong person in a job role. I’m all for checking people’s credentials, education level, and experience. But there are other aspects of a person we should be looking at when trying to move the company to the next level. I like wh

Invest in Amazon?

So, the latest talks have been about what stocks to purchase. From Amazon, Tesla, etc. We all know these are great companies to invest in. But the more important question is when to invest in them. As non-profit donations decrease due to COVID-19, a lot of them are looking for other ways to increase incoming funds. For example, a lot of entities are looking to their investment portfolios for assistance. And I think this is a smart move to not depend upon one or two avenues of revenue. When it comes to investments, I always play the long game because you never know what is around the corner. I know this might sound like someone who is looking for the negative. But I think it is important to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. Investments are like life jackets, you don’t want to ever you use them, but it is always good to have them there. With that being said, I like the investment method that Tony Robbins talks about in his book, Money Master the Game :   Dollar Cost A

Why do lawyers exist?

So, if you are reading this, you either wanting to be a lawyer or in need of one (rather you know it or not). In either case, I am here to provide some insight. By the way, I am here and unbiased. Yes, I am a lawyer, but I am not writing this because I want you to hire me or I want you to attend law school. I am writing this because I do not think people understand the complexities regarding being a lawyer. Essentially, lawyers exist to make the life easier and less complex. I have often meet two types of people:   People who love lawyers and those who hate them. The ones who love lawyers are the one who use them a lot. The ones who hate them, think they are the smartest people on planet Earth. That was joke for you guys who troll. It does not matter what side of the fence you are on, if you are in court, received a legal letter, or just going through a civil dispute, it is best to consult a lawyer. Most lawyers provide free consultations. If they don’t, just Google a lawyer in y

Life Lessons learned from Cinema

There is always someone who is in need? There is always a guide? And there is this immense obstacle that the main character must overcome. It is amazing to me that so many people get caught up in binge watching movies and television shows on Netflix, Hulu, etc. But I am not too amazed because I have been one of those people. Why is it that television can be so addictive? I think the answer is simple:   It allows you to not focus on the realities of life and you can learn something from them to apply in everyday life. How many times have you watched a romantic comedy and see the result of the story 5 minutes into the movie? Guy meets girl. Guy does something stupid against the girl. Then he suddenly realizes that she is the one for him and, just in the nick of time, he gets the girl before she gets onto a plane to head out of the country.   But I find that there are many life lessons that are taught in movies. For example, The Notebook, played with Rachel McAdams and Ryan Gosli

Lead Generation

Creating and closing upon leads is important. This is something that we all should be doing. No matter what field you are in. You should be working on how to increase your business different and creative ways. Even if you are a teacher, you should be working on getting more students to your school and being a more effective teacher. (Yeah, I know you might not be getting paid as much). For those who have heard me preach this before, understand that this is something I am totally passionate about. I know the world is full of worker bees and extra intelligent folks who study one-minute aspect of the world. And these folks can care less about following upon leads. But even these folks need to learn how to bring in business. I say the above for several reasons: 1. It shows your commitment to your craft. 2. Y ou will understand the importance of providing a great services and products. 3. It will increase your value to the company. People buy from passionate businesses. Yeah, a busi

Believing in yourself

I know this sounds small, but for you to be successful in anything you must believe in yourself. When I think about all my struggles, I realized that it was me believing in myself that got me through.   I am always asked ‘what it took for you to be successful.’ The answer is “I had to believe in myself.” And I know for a lot of people that might be hard to do. With family members, friends, and colleagues saying that you cannot do something. And I get it. There are a lot of times when you are trying to do something outside the norm and other people do not understand it. They will discourage you. Sometimes they are doing it because they just do not like you. Sometimes they do it because they are simply scared for you and they do not want you to get hurt. Think about how many times we talk to our kids and we see them fall time and time again. And as parents, we want them to succeed. But we see that it hurts them. We see them crying. We see their frustration. But we do not