How to develop rock solid habits in your life

So, habits are something that I constantly preach on because they are so important. Having great habits can propel you into the next level of your life. Also, habits are one of the things I’m constantly evolving with myself.

Habits is basically your behavior daily. These habits can be changed at any time. You make the decision.

So I have several suggestions on how to develop rock solid habits in your life:  (1) be in line with your passion; (2) have a strong purpose for wanting to engage in a specific behavior; and (3) reward yourself.

Yes, this sound simple, but how many do you know try to start working out at the beginning of the year, but by February have broken that promise? Right! What I’ve found out with habits is that most of the time, people are trying to develop habits that are entirely out of their wheelhouse. Meaning, a person might want to be a triathlete without any training on basic running skills. I’m not saying you can’t be a triathlete. I’m simply saying that to make a significant change from not working out at all to wanting to be an overnight hit is always impossible.

Next, have a strong purpose for wanting to change. Simply wanting to do something because it’s a fad and others want you to do it is not strong enough. You want to make sure that when you hit those low point that you are motivated to stay going. Let’s face it, when you stop exercising or following up with that business deal, you just hit a low point with little to no motivation to continue going.

Also, reward yourself when you accomplish a small goal within your major goal. Don’t just wait until you pass the bar exam before you reward yourself. Reward yourself daily, hourly, and weekly for finishing a certain amount of questions or answering a certain amount of questions correctly while studying.


To develop rock solid habits you have to be in tune with who you really want to be, having a powerful reason to develop and stay committed to your habits, and reward yourself with the small accomplishment within your goals.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.





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