Accepting flawsome in Business?

What is flawsome?

FLAWSOME: (adj.) A person who embraces all their quirks and 'flaws' and realises they are awesome regardless.

Yeah, this is something that is new to me too, but here we are.

One of the reasons I wanted to discuss this notion of flawsome is because this is where a large part of the world is moving to. Instead of being stuffed shirts in boardroom, there are people who wanting to be just them. And in business, it’s important to embrace this.

Embracing people difference is important because in a world where everyone is the same can lead to intentional overlooking of issues within the company. However, when you have a grow of people who embrace their differences, a company can operate within true potential. Instead of puffed up people who are constantly battling for others’ jobs or parking lot.

Allowing people to be them, obviously within a guidance of corporate decorum, we see our strengths and weaknesses as an organization. And therefore can move forward with building on solid foundation.

For example, if you are a CEO looking to go into a new market, but know that your employees are already operating at full capacity (and not just saying that), you know you have two options:  (1) hire more people to enter into the market; or (2) back out of the new venture.

Business (for me) is about providing a quality product or service that will change the world while make a significant profit. So l look to achieve these goals in an efficient manner. And if that efficiency is about letting others be them while we all accomplish the same goal, I’m all for it!


Allowing people in the business to be them is about company growth. There has to be some guidelines in place for corporate functioning. But, for the most part, we have to allow others to be them while moving towards a collective goal.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.





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