Special Edition: Understanding leadership and evidence-based practices

When discussing leader behavior, it is essential to understand the importance of evidence-based practices in daily lives of the leader. Evidence-based practice means engaging in behaviors that have been tested, analyzed and supported by research. Whether the research looks to study theoretical depths or applications that are associated with current leadership issues, any evidence-based practices is better than engaging in behaviors that have not been through a similar rigorous process. There are several aspects of evidence-based practices that one can examine; however evidence-based educational methods and evidence-based management are the two types that can be associated with leadership development. When discussing leadership development, human resource development is quintessential to the growth of the leader as well as the organization. A link to a survey is included in this post to assist in the development of the leader’s effectiveness through evidence-based practices and human resource development. The data collected will be analyzed and reported online in which it will provide a level of substance for aspiring leaders or those who already hold leadership positions and looking to growth personally as well as professionally. To complete the survey please click here or below:



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