How to achieve your goals? Work backwards!

Have you ever felt like you were stuck? Like you want to make a huge positive change in your life, but there was always something in the way, e.g., school, kids, spouses, job, finances, etc.?

I find writing my goals in front of me and working ‘backwards’ to my current state works wonders. It is easier to see the goal, but difficult to see the steps to accomplish those goals from your current situation. For example, if you want to be a lawyer and you are an ‘high schooler’; start with the finished goal and work ‘backwards’ from there.

Too many times, individuals try to eat an elephant with one bite. But it works better with laying a plan out on how to capture, prepare, and storing away that elephant. (Funny analogy as I am vegan and absolutely love animals). The moral of the story is to simply plan your next big objective in a way that it is easier for you to accomplish it.

One of the many ways that I use is SMART goals: 
Specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and timely.  The man on top of the mountain didn’t fall there. He simply prepared himself in a manner (exercising, packing necessary tools, etc.) that allowed him to accomplish the feat.

~ Ronnie O’Brien Rice, PhD, Esq.


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