Know Your Limits

We all have our moments where we are wanting to get so much accomplished in a day? Just yesterday, I got up late because I wanted to spend time with the family. But, I knew I had to get work done too. So, I ended up not completing everything I had planned. So, yes, I know the feeling. How do you accomplish two things at one time?

My answer to this question is simple. If you want to accomplish more in life, ‘know your limits.’ Don’t try to get everything done on your ‘to do’ list at the hand of others or detriment to yourself.

Life is very much so about progressively getting better. But, also, it’s about living. I talk about this on my podcast:  Success Pays.

We all have those limits where we are just inefficient. You have to know everything that you are capable of and keep your focus within that wheelhouse. It is tempting at time to put more on your plate because you are seeing others doing it (appearing) or you are slacking in areas in your life. Don’t look at others. A lot of people might appear to be ‘winning’ in life, but you don’t know the struggle they are dealing with behind closed doors. That’s not to say that every successful person is faking or struggling with someone we don’t know about. I’m saying that we all have to stay in our lane and not compare ourselves to others.

Also, don’t measure your success on the things you haven’t completed. We all fall short at something. The best we all can do is set plans to make sure that we checks and balance to not fall off the deep end. Know you are not perfect. So stop trying to be. Just operate in a spirit of excellence, being better today than you were yesterday!


Knowing your limits take pushing yourself to the limit. But, it is also about knowing what you can handle. The only way to know what you can handle is by pushing yourself to the limit.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.







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