Purposeful Living

What’s purpose? And how does one find it? 

Purpose to me is the motivation that gets you up in the morning and starts you on your way. It something internal (with or without an alarm clock). Some people call this your ‘why.’ Early on in my life, I struggled with my purpose. I was always naturally happy and positive. However, I did not get up early in the morning and I was not passionate about what I was doing. 

So, I asked myself the basic question ‘what is purpose?’ And I found the answer by observing and hanging with other people who seemed to be highly motivated and successful. Now, when I’m talking about success, I’m talking all-around. My meaning of successful was a person who had it together in regard to their family, church, health, finances, etc. 

What I found is that people with purpose had their life ‘tight.’ Meaning, they might have not been married to a super model, but the relationship they had with their spouse was AMAZING. There was respect, love and affection within the relationship. This was a successful relationship. The same thing with finances. They might not have had all of the money in the world. But, the money they did have was significant and everyone in the household respected what each other had. 

So how does purpose affect all of these areas? For me, the answer is simple. When you are checking your internal checklist of what you are supposed to be doing, everything you do is done with a since of pride and excellence. 

Purpose changed a lot for me in my life. Just the small tasks in my life became something of meaning and more importance. It was like I got the opportunity to take my cloths to the cleaners and pick up my two kids from school. It was not a chore. Think about it, there are people in prison, dead and physically unable to run errands. But, I have ability to not do only do it, but without pain or angst.

My encouragement to you is to find your purpose.  And realize that even though your life may seem boring and dull, having purpose helps find motivation in your life and appreciation in every aspect of it. 

~ Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice  


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