The power of consistency

How many of you know folks who go from job to job? Girlfriend to girlfriend? Business to business? Do you trust them to handle business for you? Exactly!

I think consistency is very under-rated characteristics. Meaning, there is a generation of people who wanting to follow their feelings with little to no foundation. I get it that a company or a job might not work out for you. But, if you have changed spouses several times in the last month, the common denominator is you.

So what’s the difference between being inconsistent and finding your gift? The answer is simple:  Are you waiting for (a) execution and (b) results. I know this might sound very technical, but it is necessary.

How are you going to determine if you have not fully executed your plan if you haven’t stuck with it long enough. If you are learning a new trade such as lawyering, you don’t send a demand letter out and because the insurance adjuster hasn’t responded yet doesn’t mean you have completed the task. You need to confirm that the adjuster received the letter and receive an acknowledgement letter in return.

Next, too many times folks are trying something new and not seeing it through to see the results. There maybe a lot of hard work that one puts into their project. But you must keep going until you can safely make an evaluation of the results.

Gary John Bishop says it best in Unfu*k Yourself:  Get out of your head and into your life:
“When you’re not sure if you’re following the right path, when you’ve been knocked down a few too many times, it’s completely fine to get discouraged, hell even defeated. What’s not okay is to STOP.
Because you can always lean on relentlessness. When you have nothing else, you have relentlessness (page 157).” This is key when deciding your skills, gifts, and talents in life.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.


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