Dead End Conversations: What to do about them?

How often have you had a conversation someone and they did not stop to listen to you; or even think about what they are talking about? I know OFTEN.

You must be mindful of who you give your time and dedication. These people can drain your energy. Therefore, you must be mindful of who you surround yourself with.

There are several reasons why you need to be mindful of who you surround yourself:  (1) these people are self-centered; (2) they are not bringing value to the conversation; and/or (3) because they aren’t thinking about what they are talking about, they are probably emotionally dumping on you.

If within a 5-minute conversation, you are only allowed to say three sentences, they are very self-centered. A conversation is always a two-way street. If the other person, or better yet, yourself; do not take the time to listen to the other person, the conversation is dead in the water. And therefore, not a conversation, but a person just pontificating.

Secondly, if a person is just ‘running their month’ with no time between breaths, they are not taking the time to think about the topic of discussion. Or better yet, they are not listening to the other side of the story.

You hear the ole saying that you have (1) mouth and (2) ears for a reason.  Meaning, you probably should listen more than you talk. If you talk, you are only speaking on subjects you know. But, if you listen, you may learn something new.

Lastly, if someone is just talking without any logic, chances are, they are emotionally dumping on you. If you are not sure if this case. Do this simple test. Check your emotional thermometer to see if you feel better or worser than how you felt before you started the conversation?

Sometimes, people talk to ‘have someone to talk to,’ but not for engaging conversational purposes.

I know that this post is not the typical blissful post. But it is in hopes that you change your circle of friends for a better life. Or elevate your conversation to hear the other side.


Do not be a Mr./Ms. ‘Know it all!’ There are other people who know things too.

If you find yourself in a conversation that is emotionally draining or seriously one-sided, excuse yourself or reevaluate your position in that person’s life.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.


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