Disruptive Thinking

So, let's talk about disruptive thinking. So, when I'm thinking about ‘disruptive thinking’ I'm talking about thinking outside the box. Yeah, I know you always hear people say this come with some creative ideas. We need to increase our sales. We need to think outside the box. But, thinking outside the box is essentially disruptive thinking.

Take it outside of the normal way of thinking outside of the traditional meetings. Thinking outside of the general sales approach. Thinking outside of the similar legal approach to a case.

A few things come to mind when talking about disruptive thinking. The first thing that comes to mind is going against the grain. Creating creative thoughts and executing on those thoughts. And if those thoughts and ideas do not come to a viable solution like you expect, find a way to pivot and adjust. 
We have heard a lot about pivoting and adjusting.

Yes things might not go the way you want it to, but you might have been engaged in disrupt thinking. You might have wanted to plan go differently. But, you did do some different; you thought different, you acted different.

But, instead of doing the same sales tactics as the guy across the office or next cubicle over is doing, find ways to thinking disruptive.

So instead of doing what everybody else does, find ways to think disruptively.
One of the many ways you can do that is (1) change your routine, (2) change who you hang around with, and (3) do something very crazy.

And I know those three things I just gave you sounds very very random but let's think about it for a minute. oftentimes we do the same thing out of habit and routine which is understandable because without routine there's no structure and there's chaos. When you get out of the routine, you push yourself to look at things differently. For example, change the way you drive it work. Or change the kind of coffee you get at Starbucks.

Next thing I'll tell you to do this change who you hang around with even if it's temporary. Because we have this tendency to hang around people that think the same way we think. Whether they're younger, older, black, white, rich, or poor, change your group.

Thirdly I was saying try some real crazy. For me, I would never jump out of a plane, but for you jumping out of a plane might create that near-death experience. And that experience might be the catalyst to get you to look at things differently.

So for mean when I talk about my disruptive thinking, I'm essentially just talking about let's look at things differently and let's do things differently.

Let’s go achieve greatness!


You can (1) change routines to change, (2) change who you hang around with, and (3) do something real crazy.

~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.


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