Why having a lawyer as a friend is good?

The simple answer to this question is lawyers have experienced a lot of real-life issues with their clients.

As a lawyer, I’ve had the pleasure to experience a lot of different issues. Meaning, I know the good and the bad of people’s lives. When I have a close friend ask me for advice about almost any subject, I have some knowledge about it.

Now, everyone’s situation is different. There is never a blanket answer or solution to everyone’s solution. So be mindful of the advice.

A lawyer friend typically, not always, gives sound advice, whether it’s about relationships or business. What a lot of people don’t know about lawyers is that in order to become one, you not only have to finished years of schooling and pass the state bar exam. You have to be cleared through that state’s ethics board. Meaning, you can’t have any moral turpitudes on your records, e.g., bankruptcy, domestic violence, owed creditors, etc.

The purpose of having this review board is to ensure that there are quality lawyers who are representing the community. And having someone like this on your team to bounce ideas off is very advantageous for any relationship.

Another benefit of having a lawyer as a friend is that they are typically, not always, more cautious than the average person. Because we had to go through schooling, pass the bar exam, and be stamped as moral fit, we protect our license. Our license is not ONLY a representation of our hard work, but it is means of us making money. 


Having a lawyer has a lot of benefits. Some of the main reasons are that most lawyers are level-headed, provide sound advice from experiences, and are more cautious than public.

 ~  Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.

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