The importance of networking & executing

As I set in a conference for a non-profit organization, I found the importance of strategic networking and executing on those relationships. Too many times we make a lot of promises and meet a lot of people with little to no return on investment. As a natural networker, I realized that I was great meeting people, but I had to drastically improve on the reaping of the investment on those relationship.

So, what is strategic networking? And what does it mean to execute on them?

Strategic networking is specific directed networking. It’s doing research on individuals and organization before arriving at the network mixer for your professional organization. Knowing the goal of meeting with individual over coffee and actually accomplishing that goal. Don’t get tied up with the pleasantries of life. Even though they are needed for a person to feel comfortable. You do not need to waste your time and energy having a meeting to plan a meeting. You want results.

This leads to the next point:  Execution. Why are you meeting the Executive Vice President of Acme industry? If you goal is to get a job, a contract, or partnership; let it be known whether subtly or directly. Your method of approach is dependent upon the person. I think that life is not about being transactional, but relational. Think about it. How would you want someone to approach you if they needed something from you?

Also, make it easier for the person to help you. Too many times, I run into people who want help and I can help them. But they haven’t paved the road for me to help them. Most of the work lands upon me to help them when it adds little to no value to my life. You want to make it easier for the person who does not have any skin in the game to help you.

~ Attorney Ronnie O’Brien Rice, Ph.D.


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